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Enchanted Alchemy Candles is a small family owned business and based in Las Vegas with my husband Audie which I have been married for 20 years and have a son that is 17 years old. I create handcrafted candles from natural passion that I spent more than a decade to perfect. Candles are very special because I have found them essential to our lifestyle that are beneficial to our health, which is why I provide different candles for each occasion, and needs.

Enchanted Alchemy Candles is not only about candles. I also provide my different coaching services and how I started to get into coaching is when I was a teenager I struggled with my self-identity and insecurities so I began to become aware, in order to endure fulfilment it can be experienced by finding your true essence and expressing our passion. The other life lesson is the sudden death of my close friend cause me to question the meaning of my life more deeply so I began to search for my own purpose.


As I started, my quest for meaning it was at this point that my fascination with human behavior and the human mind led me to pursue studies in psychology and personal development to become a certified professional life Coach at Eastern start, Grande Chapter of Virginia.  During my self-discovering, I have come to conclusion my two most important words is freedom and compassion. These words are my values and guide for everything in my life. They give humility, when needed and the utmost grounded- confidence when necessary.  I finally discovered my true calling to use my experience to help people discover their passion and purpose, tap into their creativity, and take practical steps to build a prosperous life. With all my knowledge and insights and wanting to help others I officially provide my coaching, services. For my coaching service I have a philosophy behind which are values. We need to cultivate a foundation for where all other things may flourish such as confidence, purpose, personal, and professional fulfillment. My goal is to help others heal and thrive. In order to accomplish my goal I need to help shine light on those corners in my client’s lives where their true essence is hiding. By helping people discover their passion.


Therefore, I invite you to try my different products or service and become part of enchanted alchemy candle world. I am committed to providing the finest candles, which are carefully groomed to each, and everyone’s needs. 




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