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Today is Tuesday, the day ruled by Mars. Mars is in Gemini. Mars is the Planet of action, energy, and movement. In Gemini it is all about communication. What you say and what you think affects you.

Think positive and communicate with positive energy. Pick and choose what you are going to listen to. Learn something new. The Moon is in Aquarius getting us in a humanitarian mood. Jupiter and Saturn joined in Aquarius on December 21st to begin a 20-year cycle. The Aquarius Moon will further that energy today and tomorrow. Get together with others of like mind.

Uranus ( sudden change) is in Taurus ♉️ bringing security. New ways to connect and get along. The Aquarius Moon today is joining Saturn and Jupiter and squaring (conflict) Uranus in Taurus. We are adjusting to new ways of operating.

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Thank you in advance 😊

Namaste 🙏🏽

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