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FULL MOON in Aquarius August 3, 2020

FULL MOON rising in ☆Aquarius☆

Aquarius, the water bearer, brings inklings of expansive vision and a new breath release which comes after facing our struggles.

Time to take some good deep breaths and remember that amidst all the movement, change, and turmoil stirring in our world, we have the power to ground ourselves wherever we are, and anchor into the stillness within our aliveness.

That sweet anchoring will help us dance with the changes that come our way and re*mind* us to stay open as we clear the slates for the new.

“Your enthusiasm, idealism and creativity could be strong. You may be bursting with new ideas and sudden insights. You can move from breakdown to breakthrough. You are experiencing an expansion in consciousness.

“Brilliant Breakthroughs may require that you raise your standards and upgrade your relationships. It is time to speak your truth. Choose what is right for you. Be empowered…”

“Full Moons can conclude situations. You may find yourself at the end of a relationship or a job. Some of you may feel as though you are operating in crisis mode. Circumstances for those around you may be challenged.

“The good vibes of Aquarius are best received with an open mind. If it’s time for a radical upgrade in your thinking, there’s often a period of in-between. Aquarius has two rulers — Uranus and Saturn. One is the evolutionary urge, the other (Saturn) shows us how to ground the charge.

“Being able to see that the way we organize and perceive reality itself, is up for tweaking, can be liberating. If you’ve felt at a dead-end, and stagnant, get ready for unexpected plot twists!’

“You are experiencing new aspects of yourself. You are giving birth to the new you. Giving birth is painful. This is real work. This is real growth. The more you love and value yourself. The more you have to give to other people…”

“A helpful way to navigate through life is to use balance in your choices. Instead of asking, ‘Is this a good or bad idea?’ Ask, ‘What supports my balance?’ Balance is essential to being present, powerful and effective. Relax and flow with your changes.”

*FULL MOON* Blessings to all!


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