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Moon 🌝 Transits from Libra ♎️ to Scorpio ♏️

March 3rd

Today is Wednesday, the day ruled by Mercury. Mercury is in Aquarius ♒️ with all the information you need. With the Moon in Scorpio today, it may be what you need to get or feel free. The obligations you have, have solutions. Mars is 29 degrees Taurus ♉️ today. We are finishing up something. Mars moves into Gemini ♊️ at 10:29 pm. With all the stress and the need to clean and clear , today may be the finishing up of the loose ends of all of that. The Moon is in Scorpio ♏️ today. This brings up what you need to take care of. Get it handled.

March 4th

Thursday, the day ruled by Jupiter is in Aquarius. Education, enlightenment and inventiveness!! Jupiter entered Aquarius on the 19th of December and joined Saturn on the 21st to usher in a new era. Jupiter is helping us to fit into that positive energy. It may take some adjusting. It is all good but it is new. The day begins with the Moon in Scorpio ♏️ letting us know where we are obligated.

All day and night, the skies will be clear for thoughtful interactions that address the root of a problem. It will be an excellent day to constructively examine issues that have been lingering beneath the surface. Intimate partnerships will be particularly supported. Good for Scorpio, Pisces, and Cancer; possible confrontation for Taurus.

♣️ In a nutshell:

This week could see us all letting go of unnecessary things. From the thoughts in our heads, to the stuff in our closets. To old desires that simply are no longer a reflection of who we are. What we’re left with is what really matters. And a lot more energy to make that happen.

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Thank you in advance 😊

Namaste 🙏🏽

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