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NEW MOON REMINDER... Sunday, February 23, 7: 32am - PST is the New Moon Power Day and time in February! Don’t miss this opportunity to make wishes for goals you’d like to reach and experiences you’d like to have.

Because the New Moon of February is in the sign of PISCES, it is an especially auspicious time for wishes that involve releasing self-destructive addictions and unhealthy habits, such as excessive drinking, smoking, or poor dietary choices. This time period is also highly charged and uniquely empowered to help set healthy sleep habits, increase levels of joy and spiritual fulfillment, and surrender anxieties into the healing hands of a Higher Power.

The energy of PISCES stimulates your receptivity to making choices that lower stress levels and increase peace of mind. Wishes that involve scheduling time for meditation, yoga, and other spiritual practices will be supported. This New Moon is also helpful in cultivating your empathetic and emotionally sensitive side. You can improve your relationships with yourself and others by releasing judgments and learning to forgive.

For success, your wishes must be handwritten on paper, and eight-ten wishes maximum are allowed on each power day. The most potent time is the first 8 hours AFTER the exact time of the New Moon; within the first 48 hours, it will still work. For clear success, it’s best to avoid wishing during those hours when the Moon is Void of Course.

Because Mercury is retrograde this month, take your time in compiling your wish list, and check out how you feel about the wish before deciding whether or not to keep it on the paper. The exact time of February’s NEW MOON occurs at 7:32am, PST. Due to the action of the void of course Moon during the 48-hour New Moon power time, your best bet is to avoid wishing during the hours of 6:12am and 9:32am or after 7: 32am on Tuesday, February 25th.

Therefore, in FEBRUARY, your most potent times for wishing are:

  1. Sunday, February 23, 7:32am - midnight

  2. Monday, February 24, all day and night

  3. Tuesday, February 25, 8:12 to 6: 12am

These times are in Pacific Standard Time and need to be converted to your local time zone. Among other things, this New Moon stimulates the ability to more successfully navigate your life by releasing any tendencies to feel helpless or like the “victim.” It is an excellent New Moon to set your intentions to attract, recognize, and begin spending time with those who are on a similar spiritual path.

Namaste ♓

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Itzel Mariscal
Itzel Mariscal

Can’t wait for new goals ! 🤗

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